Thursday, January 8, 2009

Mother's Guilt

I was laying in bed last night thinking about this for a while last night. Probably why i am so tired today!! I recently read a friends post (Mommy Niri, you can find her blog over to the right in my list of blogs I read often!!!) about her New Years resolutions and to stop feeling so guilty. Then last night I was reading an article in a parenting magazine about mother's guilt.

We really do have it pretty bad.

I feel guilty when:
*I don't want to sit and play trains with my toddler for the umpteenth time in 2 days.
*They watch too much TV.
*I don't read to them more then once in a day.
*We don't get out of the house.
*I feed them chicken nuggets or something similar from the freezer.
*They don't get a bath on the second day, or at least I don't feel like washing them.
*We are running low on fruit and I eat a piece they might want to have.
*They eat too much sweet stuff or junk.
* I yell at them.
*I have days that, I wish they would nap longer.
* I have only had Landon's Photos done professionally once since he was born. He is over 1 yr.

I have lots and lots more.

I even have a list of guilt things I don't keep up with as a stay at home mom.

1 comment:

Mommy Niri said...

OMG I do every one of those things, except the fruit thing - they eat more than I can take. Each day I say I will do this and that tomorrow and then it is like playing the previous day, nothing changes.

I wonder if they get out of this age it makes it easier, coz it sure feels every bit of energy is sucked up.